Payment Information

Thank you for your submission.
Existing Customers: If you already have a Debit Authorization Form on file and have filed returns in the past or have already paid for an invoice, no action is necessary as long as your information is current. If you have a new bank or account number, please follow the procedure below. Invoice customers can request a new, or updated invoice by e-mailing us at
New Customers: You have chosen in the e-File Submitter Settings to have your filing fees either invoiced, or debited from your checking or savings account after filing your returns.
For the debit option, our internal process requires that you provide the following items for this to be established:
- Complete Debit Authorization Form shown on the link below.
- Debit Authorization Form
- Next, fax it 301-386-3873 with a copy of a voided check from your bank account.
Once you have completed your return filing, we will use this information to draft your account for all filing fees.
Important: We will charge an additional $15.00 service charge for each returned debited item.
For the Invoice option (one year of service), please e-mail us at with the following information:
- The name of the company
- The number of returns you expect to file in the next 365 days from today (including this transmission)
- The contact person’s information and address
- This invoice is expected to be satisfied before return status is provided.
- Please email this information to
Please note: These options do not include tax payments. Tax payments are made within the return signing process and are handled once submitted by the IRS. The IRS only accepts a bank draft for balance due payments.